Saturday, July 26, 2014

Buyer Beware

     Everyone has heard the term "you get what you pay for". In my case recently, and a few others, you don't get what you paid for.

    This post is to warn others about a clothing scam that happened, and my side of things.

              PLEASE MUM, PLEASE DON'T
     A friend found a most awesome 3 season jacket on a clothing site where she made a previous purchase. I fell in love, and saw other things that I liked. Stuff was 70-90% off, which doesn't seem unusual for a website. If you ordered $75 of stuff, you would receive free shipping. Not bad..I went to some moms I knew and asked if they needed anything. We had a purchase set up.

     Before money changed hands, I Googled the company (because I had never heard of it) and found out that many stores had closed and went bankrupt. Them, having a website still made sense to me. Some companies bounce back without that being in the news, some sell off their stock online. Apparently, this was not the case.

     July 18th, 2014, I made a PayPal payment. Money left my bank account and went into World Shake Productions account. In a week, I had not received a "we mailed your stuff" email. Their website said "temporarily unavailable". I tried to call all their numbers and none were in service. I sent emails, nothing. I was not impressed, and starting to get worried. I tried calling and their website daily.
I Googled "PLEASE MUM TOOK MY MONEY" and that lead me to a Facebook group about boycotting PLEASE MUM. There was a post about how it happened to another mother. More people commented. The same week, I had placed an order and their site was down, the same week the other women did too. They all tried everything I tried. PLEASE MUM had also taken down all their social media information, as well as taking everyone's payments.

     PayPal dispute filed. 45 days.from payment, I hope to get our money back (Aug 14).

      Why is this post important? The owner has apparently done this before. After this happened, I looked into it.
     From now on, I will fully look into a company if I'd never heard about it, even if recommended by friends. In all fairness, it's not like a normal person would look into Wal-Mart/Target/etc. Yet, I still feel dumb.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wacky Wednesday

     Today was a busy busy day.  Daddy babywore Kaelynn on his back the whole way there.
     Little Ray's Reptile Zoo was having a demonstration at the local library. I found out about this last week and had planned for it, unfortunately, many mothers did not.
     We had to be at the library at 1pm to pick up free admission tickets for 2pm. There was a line when we got there and tickets were gone in 3 minutes.
     5 tickets in hand, we popped over to the mall for lunch and a quick errand.

     2pm and we go through the door. We sit near the front with the other children. Daddy hung off to the side. I am surprised that Kaelynn seemed interested in touching the reptiles, maybe because everyone else was. My friend and her daughter showed up late, and we made room. Daddy moved to the back.
     Kaelynn spent time playing with my camera, touching the reptiles as they came around, looking out the window, and babbling at her daddy from across the room.
    I am proud that even I touched them...and they freak me out.

     Afterwards, we came home and went for a swim. Somehow in all the clothes we have, I found a swim suit to fit my friend's daughter.

     Before dinner, she fell asleep. She stayed asleep while I transferred her to her high chair. I ate and then woke her up.

    Baby girl is happy and pooped.

Friday, July 18, 2014

An experiment

     For the past 2 months, I have been using flour sack towels as inserts in my cloth diapers. I am loving them!!

     What are flour sack towels? They are 100% cotton kitchen towels. You've probably seen them in your grandmother's kitchen, maybe with embroidery on them.

     I read that you could use them as inserts, and was curious. Currently, I use microfiber and they're getting old. I was looking for a budget friendly way to replace them all. At Target, I purchased a.pack of 4 flour sack towels for about $5-6. I figured, if I did not like them, I could use them for cleaning.

               I liked them.
      I fold them in half, half the other way, and then the ends towards the middle. This gives me 4 layers and fits most of the pockets perfectly.

     If you cloth diaper and are looking for something new as an insert, I highly recommend flour sack towels.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

17 Months old

     Three days shy of 17 months, little miss grew 3 teeth. I'm a few days late with this post, but she still only has 3 teeth.

      When it comes down to words, we are lacking. She makes more sounds, and we pretend they are words. She makes it perfectly clear if she wants something and if we get it wrong.

      Getting her to sleep in her own bed is the same struggle. She spends from about 11pm-3am in it before waking up and not settling herself. There are some nights where I don't remember getting her, but there she is in the middle.

     We were in a wedding on Saturday (07/12/14) and she took it like a champ. She was a well behaved flower girl.

     She refuses to stack blocks, preferring to knock them down. She does love to nest and line up objects.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Lovely Lampshadelux

     A lovely friend of mine has started up a clothing redecorating business and has graciously given Kaelynn a personalized outfit to love.
     If you've been following along, or know us, you will know that Kaelynn is a wild child. She has no real fear of anything and is usually up for trying new things. As I write this, she is climbing all over an Avon delivery box.
     Along with clothing, Kim (L.S Lux) makes personalized shoes. She has a etsy and an instagram account dedicated to her work. Check her out, she does adult as well as children items. Before July 4th, I modeled some fabulous 4th of July celebration shorts that she modified.    

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sweet dreams

      Sweet dreams my little one. You're doing well with your bed, for the most part.

      Bed time ritual is at 8pm, we start to get ready. We do bed time bum, pajamas, and neckercise. We then nurse in the big bed and wait. Around 1030-11pm, I transfer her to her bed and make sure she is cozy (but if I put a blanket on her, she wakes up). I'm not sure when she wakes, but she ends up in our bed (possibly around 2-3am). There are times when she is able to put herself back to sleep from waking, but other times no. There was even that one time she fell out of bed. Oops!
     It's a learning curve. At least she will spend all nap time in her bed -even if we nurse in the car and I have to not so gracefully roll out.

First sighting

     Hello half tooth! I name you Terrence. At 16.5 months old, your appearance is welcomed. Here's hoping your friends come join Bite Club very soon.
     Teething, besides being long, has There are days where she's super clingy and nights where there is no sleep. There are the teething poops and the fist eating. There is randomly crying and nothing I do helps. However, through the bad days, the good days are Good Days!
      Time will only tell how long teething actually takes, but I am thankful that I did not have to try brushing a baby's teeth!

     A week's tooth progression:

Friday, July 4, 2014

A berry good afternoon

     My best friend invited us to go strawberry picking with her and her daughter. Of course we agreed. We love strawberries, especially when they're fresh!
     We all packed into the car and headed off to Fruition Berry Farm. I was excited because this would be my first time at Fruition and Kaelynn's first time ever picking.
     Boy, did she have fun. All the berries she could eat (and maybe a flower and leaf), new people to watch, being outside, tractor rides, and a new play structure to scale.
     Unsure how long later, we had 14 lbs of strawberries! Hello jams, fruit and as Kaelynn would say "it's delicious".