Around 1, Kaelynn puked up EVERYTHING, all over the bed, herself & myself. So GROSS. She's never been a puker, so this is new territory. She's also never really been sick, or even had a cold.
Got her & myself cleaned up. Stripped the freshly made bed. The two of us made our way downstairs, until she felt better/fell asleep.
It's now 330am and she's clinging to my arm, watching Curious George. We're waiting for the TeleHealth nurse to call us.
She's vomited bile 3 times & can't hold the few sips of water I gave her. She just holds the bread I gave her. After a quick bath (for comforting/smell removal), I tried to let her nurse. Bad idea. I know why I was putting it off. Instantly, I was telling her to put her head in the bowl & away from mommy.
She fell at the Santa Parade & hit her head. She always hits her head. I have no idea if this is sick or concussion.
I feel useless. She can't use words to tell me what she needs.