Lasr night sucked.
Kaelynn was crying & fussing. Jake got annoyed so he put her to bed.She was still crying. I went in to try to soothe her. She was fussy for about an hour. I burped, changed, fed, rocked her. I told Jake to go to bed since he worked at 7am. I felt frustrated & started to cry. Around 1:20, I went to put her to bed, since she was passed out across my lap, tired from being latched on for about 2 hours (nursing & soothing). I went to bed, but it only lasted 20 mins. Back to the livingroom. Repeat what I did earlier & latched on again for 2 hours. More crying involved. We both ended up just sleeping in the chair.
This morning, she had a weigh in. She's not gaining. She's 6.7 lbs from 7.4lbs (or 7.6, depending on which KGH forms used). We were told to supplement 15-20ml each feeding. We could do formula or breast milk. I was given hosing that goes into a bottle to try it that way, it just sneaks into her mouth when she's on the boob. I was also prescribed medication to help with milk production. Apparently, with my hormones, that's what could be hindering me. With supplementing with breast milk, I don't think I even produce that much in a day. She was weighed before & after a feed. When she eats, she gets at least 1oz in her, but thats not enough. We'll do that until Sat and on Monday she goes back to the doctors.
The doctors also looked at her rash & they think it could be a yeast. I was told to keep using a barrier on it and to make her meds from the ER last for 7 days instead of 10.
I managed to get photocopies of forms for her Universal Child Benefit & mail things away. I went to Shoppers to get a new botte to use for her supplementing (so I can mark it & damage the nipple to hold the hose). I was going to go to Camera Kingston and print things out, I forgot. I was going to go to City Hall and pick up garbage tags for tonight, I forgot. I did get to the bank to deposit a cheque and the grocery store. That was an adventure. I was pushing Kaelynn in the stroller and pulling my shopping cart, trying to maneuver around the corners. I managed to get a whole cart for under $150. This makes me glad since I am still waiting on EI information.
My little T-Rex is curled into a ball on my chest, asleep. It's time to move her to her chair so I can grab some fruit salad & water. I am also cold and need a sweater. Damn you snow storm.
I feel like a bad mom & keep crying now.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Just how I wanted to spend my the children's outpatient clinic. Jake & I spent almost 5 hours there.
When Jake got up,he noticed Kaelynn's eyes were yellower. I called the nurse from my doctors office and we waited.We waited an hour & then decided to head out to the clinic. Just as we were getting ready, the hone rang: the nurse suggested going in.
We get there & register. There's no room in the waiting room, so the triage nurse told us to wait in the hall. We find a seat on the floor right outside.Many people walk by. A security guard walks by & questions us. He tells us to go to the seating area at the front of the hospital. We get all settled and then he comes back and says there is now room for us in the waiting room. We go and sit. And wait.
Typical waiting time both to be admitted and checked out. We find out she is mildly jaundice (duh), but that's also perfectly normal. The pediatrician also found out that she has a rash/infection in the creases of her leg folds by her groin. Nothing was there at her check up on Thursday - they went over her thoroughly. I have a feeling its because of her little breech legs reaching to her chest. When she's folded up, thats where her rash is. They took her blood to do some work on it to check her biliruben levels. I cried. She cried. We cried. Jake was out making phone calls. We then were told that we had to wait for the blood work to come back. We sat in an exam room, taking up space, for about 2 hours. Her levels were normal, we got a prescription for her somethingsomethingstaph (ie/bacteria infection) and were good to go.
We picked up her antibiotics & they were cheaper than I thought -$25. The care for it is her meds 3 times a day, wash & air dry (currently she's on me diaperless) and Vaseline.
Later, her aunt Sarah, 2nd cousin Katie, great aunt Coleen & grandpa John came over for a visit. It was past her bed time when everyone left, but after the day she had she was easy to put to bed.
When Jake got up,he noticed Kaelynn's eyes were yellower. I called the nurse from my doctors office and we waited.We waited an hour & then decided to head out to the clinic. Just as we were getting ready, the hone rang: the nurse suggested going in.
We get there & register. There's no room in the waiting room, so the triage nurse told us to wait in the hall. We find a seat on the floor right outside.Many people walk by. A security guard walks by & questions us. He tells us to go to the seating area at the front of the hospital. We get all settled and then he comes back and says there is now room for us in the waiting room. We go and sit. And wait.
Typical waiting time both to be admitted and checked out. We find out she is mildly jaundice (duh), but that's also perfectly normal. The pediatrician also found out that she has a rash/infection in the creases of her leg folds by her groin. Nothing was there at her check up on Thursday - they went over her thoroughly. I have a feeling its because of her little breech legs reaching to her chest. When she's folded up, thats where her rash is. They took her blood to do some work on it to check her biliruben levels. I cried. She cried. We cried. Jake was out making phone calls. We then were told that we had to wait for the blood work to come back. We sat in an exam room, taking up space, for about 2 hours. Her levels were normal, we got a prescription for her somethingsomethingstaph (ie/bacteria infection) and were good to go.
We picked up her antibiotics & they were cheaper than I thought -$25. The care for it is her meds 3 times a day, wash & air dry (currently she's on me diaperless) and Vaseline.
Later, her aunt Sarah, 2nd cousin Katie, great aunt Coleen & grandpa John came over for a visit. It was past her bed time when everyone left, but after the day she had she was easy to put to bed.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
First Doctors Appointment
Today Kaelynn had her first doctor's appointment. I suppose it went well. She's down about a pound (6.6lbs now)(They had some numbers 3.02, I assumed they were kgs and just converted them), but they said that's normal. She is also a tad yellow, but they didn't seem too concerned. We also met with the lactation coach that's at my doctors. She helped and got Kae to suckle from the side she doesn't much like. She also suggested a nipple shield, so I picked one up to try it out. We'll see. Pumping seems to be going well. As much as I don't think I am getting alot, they seemed fine with it: roughly .5-1oz. (My weight: 199lbs)
I am thankful to Christine (Jake's mom) for our Moses Basket. I put her to bed around 8:30 and she's been in there about an hour. She was fussing after her PJs were put on, as soon as she was plopped in her basket, she was out. It's time to wake her in 20 mins anyway for her feeding before I go to bed too.
Yesterday I was able to put my ring back on! HURRAY! I was s worried we would have to get it resized. Granted, just now I had to fight to get it off...but we're getting there.
Anyway, enjoy this picture from the doctor's office.
Something smells funny
She slept in her crib! For the past 2 days, we've been testing her out in the crib. It was 20 mins at first, then 45, then practically all night! I am happy dancing. I am also do grateful that Jake's mom got us a Moses Basket. It's being shipped, but I can see that making life easier. I am trying some sort of sleep routine. In bed at 8pm, up at 7am. I am hoping that even though she is too young to understand routine, it helps (even if it doesn't really make sense to me because she sleeps alot). She's currently on me for some skin time.
Lately, I've been getting cold chills. Not just normal chills, I've had goosebumps, shivers and chattering teeth. It sucks. I've read that it's hormones.
The cats are still being good. Sleeping through her crying & sometimes even coming over, concerned. They sniff her head & feet & stay out of the crib. Maybe they think she's a bald, funny smelling cat?
I called TeleHealth Tuesday night to ask a nurse about Kaelynn not really pooping or peeing as much as she should. She suggested feeding her every 1.5-2 hours and to take her to the doctors on Wednesday morning. Done!
The next morning, I gave her to dad to snuggle in bed while I peed. Next thing I know, Jake is telling me she pooped. And boy did she ever. The look on Jake's face over her poo explosion made me laugh so hard. He said I was in charge of that while he went to run her bath. She had a scheduled doctors appointment on Thursday afternoon, so no doctors on Wednesday since she pooped.
Wednesday afternoon, she was left alone with Jake while Cezar, her girl, and I did errands. Walmart, hunting down a game for Jake, and groceries. I found out FreshCo has a healthy baby program- hello free monthly prenatals. In that time (3hrs), Kaelynn drank 2oz of pumped milk.
I don't think my milk has really come in yet. I try to pump and get maybe 1oz, sometimes less, from both sides. I am worried she's not getting enough food. I keep trying to pump & forcing boob upon her. However; lastnight I gave in & she had a bottle of formula because even tho she was hungry, she wouldn't eat. A few hours later, it came back up. I cleaned her up, but she still smelled like she was partying. Jake picked her up & wanted to snuggle- until he smelled her & gave her back to me. I figured I would be the squirmiest one, guess I was wrong.
Feeding her this morning made me happy. Instead of lots of 5min feeds, she ate for roughly 20mins and then a 5minute feed at the end. Something inside me told me to play Great Big Sea. She kept her latch and kept sucking. I am not sure if it was a fluke, or if she likes GBS. We'll try later.
Like I said before, today is her first doctors appointment. Update later.
Lately, I've been getting cold chills. Not just normal chills, I've had goosebumps, shivers and chattering teeth. It sucks. I've read that it's hormones.
The cats are still being good. Sleeping through her crying & sometimes even coming over, concerned. They sniff her head & feet & stay out of the crib. Maybe they think she's a bald, funny smelling cat?
I called TeleHealth Tuesday night to ask a nurse about Kaelynn not really pooping or peeing as much as she should. She suggested feeding her every 1.5-2 hours and to take her to the doctors on Wednesday morning. Done!
The next morning, I gave her to dad to snuggle in bed while I peed. Next thing I know, Jake is telling me she pooped. And boy did she ever. The look on Jake's face over her poo explosion made me laugh so hard. He said I was in charge of that while he went to run her bath. She had a scheduled doctors appointment on Thursday afternoon, so no doctors on Wednesday since she pooped.
Wednesday afternoon, she was left alone with Jake while Cezar, her girl, and I did errands. Walmart, hunting down a game for Jake, and groceries. I found out FreshCo has a healthy baby program- hello free monthly prenatals. In that time (3hrs), Kaelynn drank 2oz of pumped milk.
I don't think my milk has really come in yet. I try to pump and get maybe 1oz, sometimes less, from both sides. I am worried she's not getting enough food. I keep trying to pump & forcing boob upon her. However; lastnight I gave in & she had a bottle of formula because even tho she was hungry, she wouldn't eat. A few hours later, it came back up. I cleaned her up, but she still smelled like she was partying. Jake picked her up & wanted to snuggle- until he smelled her & gave her back to me. I figured I would be the squirmiest one, guess I was wrong.
Feeding her this morning made me happy. Instead of lots of 5min feeds, she ate for roughly 20mins and then a 5minute feed at the end. Something inside me told me to play Great Big Sea. She kept her latch and kept sucking. I am not sure if it was a fluke, or if she likes GBS. We'll try later.
Like I said before, today is her first doctors appointment. Update later.
baby girl,
mom blog,
sleeping habits,
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
5 days old
Hi there Miss Funny Face. How's life treating you?? It's hard being a baby in this big scary world.
We're trying to get a schedule down for Kaelynn, started yesterday. For one, she hates her crib & likes to be held. Thankfully, yesterday she was in it for 45 mins. Then, it was BFing time & her bath. Even tho we used night time stuff, it should have been bath first then feeding. She did manage to stay in her crib about 2 hours, then was up with daddy.
A schedule will help her routine, and help with the end of this week when Jake goes back to work. We've shared her during the day, Jake has had her at night (waking me up), and I've had her from about 430am to whenever Jake gets up.
Lastnight was good for crib time, but not for pooping. She's peed alot & has been fussy. Her stomach isn't hard or anything...but if nothing happens tonight, someone will get a phone call.
She's asleep, so I think I am going to stick her in her bouncy or on daddys lap. I have to clean up my area- I have papers & snacks scattered around. I even dealt with OSAP this morning, so we'll see what paperwork they send me now that the household has increased.
baby girl,
mom blog,
money woes,
Sunday, February 17, 2013
In Recovery
Kaelynn is awake after napping on & off tonight. Plus add in her usual 20min feedings and movie marathon with Daddy, it makes sense. Daddy is in bed, so I am blogging one handed & making faces at a furry head.
My first night in recovery was good. I booked in for a private room, but was put in a semi. Hurray for surprises. I was alone in the room. She slept through the night, granted it was only about 3 hours since Jake left at about 3am & the nurses left me alone then.
Friday morning I had visitors. Kortney came by with a kitty for Kaelynn. Next was Mindy. Jake's cousin, Corrine, stopped by on her way to class with a tea & a muffin. Cezar & Tesah stopped in with a fruit basket and a unicorn toy. And even tho Katie doesn't hold babies, she dropped in. Mom also came by before she had errands. She said she would be back on Saturday, I told her I would let her know if/when discharged. Jake came back.
Jake was rough looking because he got no sleep. Him & his friend Aaron were up all night organizing things and getting stuff ready for the last dump run. He hunkered down in his chair and was attempting to stay awake. He even brought me a Big Mac. At the time I was eating my burger, my family doctor stopped in to check Kaelynn over. Everything looked good. Plus, everyone agreed that he looked like Mike Meyers. Everyone left & Jake started to eat some fruit.
Daddy and baby got in lots of cuddles.
Earlier in the day, I got a roommate. She had a little boy, her 3rd. Her & her man spoke English & dome other language. When thru spoke English, I kind of eavesdropped (because I could). She was in at midnight & gave birth Friday at 9am. She had to have her water broken & be induced. Her baby was being formula fed & mine breast fed. Whenever a nurse asked her something, she has no idea of the answer.
The morning was usual routine. Attempt to feed, waking a sleepy baby for feedings, dealing with everyone & their mother on how to breast feed (more later).
At least that night the nurses took both babies away to give mom a rest. Kaelynn because she was fussy & not wanting to eat at meal time & other baby because mom was zonked. They were back for feedings.
I finally ate the muffin Corinne brought me. Kaelynn and I watched some Netflix and fed more. Jake came over around 10, and he had some sleep.
Earlier in the day, she had her hearing test & both ears passed.
The nurse came by & said she had paged my doctor to come around for discharge. Looks like we would be going home.
Around noon, Dr. Green came by & looked her over again. Yes! We got to go home.
My dad came to get us & away we go! On the way to the lobby, everyone was like "Oooh a baby" "soooo cute".
At home, everything was cleaned up. I gave baby to daddy so I could eat something & shower. I devoured my hospital chicken salad before my shower. Both seemed amazing. I also ate the crusts off some pizza (stuffed crust) and made tea. A great part/gross part was she pooped. She didn't at the hospital. I have never changed a diaper before-gross.
She was sleeping & feeding during the day. Around 10, I had her all set for bed. She is unsure/hate her crib, so Jake offered to stay with her for a bit. They had a movie marathon (including FernGully). I woke up to feed her. We switched at 430am. Since then, she's fed, cried & wanted to be skin to skin. At least she's sleeping on me now while I do this, drink water/eating & watch Fringe.
As for the cats, thet fluctuate between indifferent, freaking out, curious, and acting just weird. None of them like the door closed. Kae's room is closed, but noone is in there so meh. The bedroom door is closed and they scratch and cry. Since 4:30 when I got up, Vodka has been the weird one. He's been crying at the door (its now almost 8:30am, might let him in to snuggle Jake), under the sink, in the cupboards, hiding IN the pile of shopping bags and staring at me. Bandit & Tugger have been sleeping. I keep letting them watch me with her & smell her. So far, no bad reactions -score.
Its almost feeding time again & I am tired of my water. I shall nuke some tea & get this almost naked, sleeping squeaker her first pair of socks (and let the cats snuggle Jake- I know I missed kitties & Jake when in KGH).
My first night in recovery was good. I booked in for a private room, but was put in a semi. Hurray for surprises. I was alone in the room. She slept through the night, granted it was only about 3 hours since Jake left at about 3am & the nurses left me alone then.
Friday morning I had visitors. Kortney came by with a kitty for Kaelynn. Next was Mindy. Jake's cousin, Corrine, stopped by on her way to class with a tea & a muffin. Cezar & Tesah stopped in with a fruit basket and a unicorn toy. And even tho Katie doesn't hold babies, she dropped in. Mom also came by before she had errands. She said she would be back on Saturday, I told her I would let her know if/when discharged. Jake came back.
Jake was rough looking because he got no sleep. Him & his friend Aaron were up all night organizing things and getting stuff ready for the last dump run. He hunkered down in his chair and was attempting to stay awake. He even brought me a Big Mac. At the time I was eating my burger, my family doctor stopped in to check Kaelynn over. Everything looked good. Plus, everyone agreed that he looked like Mike Meyers. Everyone left & Jake started to eat some fruit.
Daddy and baby got in lots of cuddles.
Earlier in the day, I got a roommate. She had a little boy, her 3rd. Her & her man spoke English & dome other language. When thru spoke English, I kind of eavesdropped (because I could). She was in at midnight & gave birth Friday at 9am. She had to have her water broken & be induced. Her baby was being formula fed & mine breast fed. Whenever a nurse asked her something, she has no idea of the answer.
The morning was usual routine. Attempt to feed, waking a sleepy baby for feedings, dealing with everyone & their mother on how to breast feed (more later).
At least that night the nurses took both babies away to give mom a rest. Kaelynn because she was fussy & not wanting to eat at meal time & other baby because mom was zonked. They were back for feedings.
I finally ate the muffin Corinne brought me. Kaelynn and I watched some Netflix and fed more. Jake came over around 10, and he had some sleep.
Earlier in the day, she had her hearing test & both ears passed.
The nurse came by & said she had paged my doctor to come around for discharge. Looks like we would be going home.
Around noon, Dr. Green came by & looked her over again. Yes! We got to go home.
My dad came to get us & away we go! On the way to the lobby, everyone was like "Oooh a baby" "soooo cute".
At home, everything was cleaned up. I gave baby to daddy so I could eat something & shower. I devoured my hospital chicken salad before my shower. Both seemed amazing. I also ate the crusts off some pizza (stuffed crust) and made tea. A great part/gross part was she pooped. She didn't at the hospital. I have never changed a diaper before-gross.
She was sleeping & feeding during the day. Around 10, I had her all set for bed. She is unsure/hate her crib, so Jake offered to stay with her for a bit. They had a movie marathon (including FernGully). I woke up to feed her. We switched at 430am. Since then, she's fed, cried & wanted to be skin to skin. At least she's sleeping on me now while I do this, drink water/eating & watch Fringe.
As for the cats, thet fluctuate between indifferent, freaking out, curious, and acting just weird. None of them like the door closed. Kae's room is closed, but noone is in there so meh. The bedroom door is closed and they scratch and cry. Since 4:30 when I got up, Vodka has been the weird one. He's been crying at the door (its now almost 8:30am, might let him in to snuggle Jake), under the sink, in the cupboards, hiding IN the pile of shopping bags and staring at me. Bandit & Tugger have been sleeping. I keep letting them watch me with her & smell her. So far, no bad reactions -score.
Its almost feeding time again & I am tired of my water. I shall nuke some tea & get this almost naked, sleeping squeaker her first pair of socks (and let the cats snuggle Jake- I know I missed kitties & Jake when in KGH).
Saturday, February 16, 2013
First Photo
Kaelynn Anne Lawrence
Feb 14, 2013
7lbs, 4oz
Birth time: 10:23pm
Head circumfrence: 35cm
Length: 48cm
Apgar score at 1 min: 8
Apgar score at 5 mins: 9
On Thursday, 2 days ago, I felt fine. I was doing housework and basically just chilling. I was even trying to crochet baby leggings, but they looked WAY too small and whoever wants a pair (Cris...) I would need leg measurements. At about 2pm, I started to get cramping. Unsure of what period cramps were, I texted my friends Cris and Mindy. Mindy was in the area and came over. We sat around, talking for a bit before she had to leave for an appointment. At that point and time, it just felt like cramps. Cris suggested that it was pre-labour and not to get too excited because it could last for weeks.As the day went on, they were getting crampier. I walked, sat, bounced and leaned on my yoga ball. I took a bath and drank lots of water. Nothing was helping. The cramps were getting more sharp. Mindy was home and I was texting her the whole time. It got to a point around 5ish that I was telling her when they started and when they ended. They were about 10 minutes apart. We kept talking and I kept bouncing. I was home alone with the cats until about 730-8 anyway. At 730, I made a pot of coffee for Jake and decided to run a bath. He comes through the door and looks at me like something is wrong. I say I am crampy and just getting into the tub, and that we probably will have to go to Labour and Delivery.I get in the tub, still texting Mindy, and hear Jake putting together the car seat.
The sharp pains at that point progessed from 10 minutes to about 2 minutes apart. They say that if it's a REAL contraction and to the point of labour, you should not be able to talk through it - I was. I also decided we should go to L&D anyway (even if we were going to be sent home). I got dressed, told Jake, and went pee. I felt/heard something POP! into the toilet. "Thats gross", I yell. Yep. Time to go. A cab is called.
Bags are packed and put in the cab. My winter coat is not done up. The driver looks at me while the bags are put in the trunk. "Are you going into labour?" "Probably". Then he gets excited. "You will have a Valentine's day story to tell". "Can I run in there and yell WE NEED AN AMBULANCE! STAT!?". Jake and them then begin to discuss the root of the word STAT. We enter and some doctor lets us through the emergency room doors.
Once in L&D, I inform them that I think I am in labour. They give me a cup to pee in and take Jake beind a curtain. I am unable to pee due to contractions. I go back behind the curtain and change into my gown. Inspection time. I am only 5cms and baby is breech, plus had a bowel movement inside (due to being breech). They give me 2 options: attempt to push or c-section. I chose the later because at 5cms, she could get her head stuck. Jake had called my mom and she had shown up. I tell her what's up. They start to move me about 15-20mins later and mom gets prepped in scrubs, (Jake's not really a fan of hospitals and I accept that - every girl needs their mommy too). I get checked again. Looks like I am fully dilated and my body wanted to push anyway.
I am moved into a delivery room near by the operating room, incase something happens. There seems to be no time to dress a new bed. I am ready to go on the bed from my first examinations. After some screaming my lungs out because I had no idea what I was doing. Finally, after about 20 minutes and no meds, we had a baby girl. Mindy showed up to help keep me amused, and because Jake told her I was getting a c-section and she personally knows they are not for everyone. All in all, mom, dad, Jake and Mindy were the first people to see her.
It wasn't all sunshine and lollipops. Jake didn't realize how much blood there would be, but he managed to cut the cord. I kept yelling at my mom- she had her hands on my head and I was focusing on that. When she removed them, it hurt. When they say push past the burning, it BURNS. It was worth it - even when my private room only lasted one night. More of the past 2 days to come later.
About 15 mins or so after labour, when Mindy arrived
Blurbs From The Boyfriend:
"I didn't think there would be that much blood. I never want to see that much again"
"I know I don't smoke, but I want a cigarette"
Thursday, February 14, 2013
7(39 weeks) and 6
My due date in theory is just around the corner, so how about a naked belly picture?
Today it's a two for one blog. Yesterday was semi busy and I just didn't get around to it.
My day started off with breakfast and dishes. Exciting, I know. A friend and her little girl came over to visit for lunch. I was dropped off at my moms house where I visited for a bit. I brought my brother his belated bday scarf and make him a cheesecake.
Afterwards, I came home and finished washing the clothes that were donated to us. Then, was dinner and watching crappy TV before bed.
It doesn't seem like alot, but between pleasant visiting and waiting for the washer/dryer
6 Valentine's Day
Today has been interesting. I folded and put away the baby clothes. Good thing she has lots, but the problem is space. They're all nice and sealed in the bedroom closet. I did dishes and laundry. It was/is also the first day of contractions.
I've not really felt anything strong, but today was like someone just kicked me down the stairs and stomped on my back. When people compare them to period cramps, I have nothing to really base them against because I usually never got them. It feels like everything in my front is all twisted and my back feels like when you have to take a large BM. I am peeing so much. I've had them since about 230 and now its almost 630. I am still able to walk and breathe and talk, which is a good thing - meaning not REAL labour yet.
I even tried to take a bath, but Bandit would have none of it. She kept walking along the edge of the tub and fell back legs in. She ran away. Came back and repeat. When she came back again, she was rubbing her tail against me and pawing for attention, yet freaked out when I went to pick her up. I was never scared of her totally freaking out and scratching me. She's now sitting on my yoga ball while I write this from the chair. She loves me. I have spent the majority of the afternoon walking and bouncing trying to find some relief. At least lil K is kicking harder. I can imagine her screaming "let me out", well, if babies could scream in words.
The Raynaud's in my right arm has been acting up today too. I have no idea how to describe it. It feels like when you smack your limb off something and twist your elbow and wrist. Basically, this whole day has made me want to float in a warm ocean.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
8 days
I am finally sitting down with some tea and my Bandit. Today has been pleasant and rough.
Around 930am, I was picked up by Cris and her fiance (and their adorable 6mth boy). We went out for a belated baby shower thing. Drinks at Starbucks first. We sat around chatting and drinking. Then we went to Go Green Baby. I got to pick out my present. I hate doing that because I am never sure what I want or need. I am always "give me something and I will be happy". I picked out a Bummis prefold set. It came with 3 prefolds and one cover with flowers on it. These are my first prefolds, as my other diapers are All In Ones or Pockets. I came home around 1130. It wasn't long enough out, but I had to come home because I was expecting someone.
Mike, a friend of Jake/his dad/and I, dropped off some baby clothes and stuff that he had. One huge diaper box, a medium sized bag, and a garbage bag full. They had a wide range of clothing sizes in them, as well as some crib sheets. For a little girl that is not born yet, she has A LOT of clothes. I have some of her older month clothes put away in a clear plastic storage bag, looks like I will have to get another one from the dollar store.
After I was done sorting clothes and had my diapers in the wash, I decided to call OSAP. I was told to call in February, and since I applied for EI yesterday I figured I would call them now (incase she comes late). Apparently, I have to call again after I have the baby. However, say I have her in March. A payment would come out of my bank, and if I didn't have the money I would be screwed. I managed to get it so I would only pay the interest instead of the payment (I guess they want money). The downside of that is even though I HAVE to pay something, the money does not go towards the principal. Either way, come March I have to call them to tell them our household has increased while the money has decreased. They will figure it out then, and my account will also be put back to principal payment vs interest. I really dislike how the woman on the phone at first was like "you're already have a repayment plan". Yes, but some of us don't have money coming out of our ears.
The good news is, I called my cellphone company to see how much longer I had on contract. Apparently, my phone and my moms phone are no longer on contract, so if I have to cancel to save money, I won't have to fork out a bajillion dollars to cancel. That made me happy. It even made me happy when the woman was like "do you want to talk to someone in customer service about cancelling?" and was totally understanding when I said I was just inquiring incase I needed to. I would have to give 30 days, like most things, but that will let me know how screwed/unscrewed I would be.
Basically, after those phone calls, I felt like doing nothing. OSAP phone calls usually make me cry and feel like a major whiner. I know everyone has money issues, but I like to do everything myself. I like to feel independant. I also hate how now everything mixes in Jake's finances. It's my money vs his money vs our money. My money is my debts and when I want to buy something. His money is his debts and if he wants to buy something. Our money is the money I give him for rent/bills etc that balances out things WE need to live. It's complicated, but it has worked for us. There's never any fighting about "YOU BOUGHT WHAT?!"
I feel like I should do something. Maybe fold laundry? Maybe restart my brothers belated birthday present? Probably restarting the present. I feel mildly crampy.
Around 930am, I was picked up by Cris and her fiance (and their adorable 6mth boy). We went out for a belated baby shower thing. Drinks at Starbucks first. We sat around chatting and drinking. Then we went to Go Green Baby. I got to pick out my present. I hate doing that because I am never sure what I want or need. I am always "give me something and I will be happy". I picked out a Bummis prefold set. It came with 3 prefolds and one cover with flowers on it. These are my first prefolds, as my other diapers are All In Ones or Pockets. I came home around 1130. It wasn't long enough out, but I had to come home because I was expecting someone.
Mike, a friend of Jake/his dad/and I, dropped off some baby clothes and stuff that he had. One huge diaper box, a medium sized bag, and a garbage bag full. They had a wide range of clothing sizes in them, as well as some crib sheets. For a little girl that is not born yet, she has A LOT of clothes. I have some of her older month clothes put away in a clear plastic storage bag, looks like I will have to get another one from the dollar store.
After I was done sorting clothes and had my diapers in the wash, I decided to call OSAP. I was told to call in February, and since I applied for EI yesterday I figured I would call them now (incase she comes late). Apparently, I have to call again after I have the baby. However, say I have her in March. A payment would come out of my bank, and if I didn't have the money I would be screwed. I managed to get it so I would only pay the interest instead of the payment (I guess they want money). The downside of that is even though I HAVE to pay something, the money does not go towards the principal. Either way, come March I have to call them to tell them our household has increased while the money has decreased. They will figure it out then, and my account will also be put back to principal payment vs interest. I really dislike how the woman on the phone at first was like "you're already have a repayment plan". Yes, but some of us don't have money coming out of our ears.
The good news is, I called my cellphone company to see how much longer I had on contract. Apparently, my phone and my moms phone are no longer on contract, so if I have to cancel to save money, I won't have to fork out a bajillion dollars to cancel. That made me happy. It even made me happy when the woman was like "do you want to talk to someone in customer service about cancelling?" and was totally understanding when I said I was just inquiring incase I needed to. I would have to give 30 days, like most things, but that will let me know how screwed/unscrewed I would be.
Basically, after those phone calls, I felt like doing nothing. OSAP phone calls usually make me cry and feel like a major whiner. I know everyone has money issues, but I like to do everything myself. I like to feel independant. I also hate how now everything mixes in Jake's finances. It's my money vs his money vs our money. My money is my debts and when I want to buy something. His money is his debts and if he wants to buy something. Our money is the money I give him for rent/bills etc that balances out things WE need to live. It's complicated, but it has worked for us. There's never any fighting about "YOU BOUGHT WHAT?!"
I feel like I should do something. Maybe fold laundry? Maybe restart my brothers belated birthday present? Probably restarting the present. I feel mildly crampy.
My diaper storage for 38 diapers and inserts at the top of the tent.
Blurbs From The Boyfriend
*At bed time*
"Hey! You in there. Stop having a party and going WHOOOWHOOOWHOO. Sleep!"
"That's what she's saying to you. Especially when you jiggle her all about, waking her up"
Monday, February 11, 2013
9 days
I am sitting here drinking some coconut water with icecubes and I feel like I've never drank anything so delicious. I have decided that I am going to post once a day until she shows up - since I now don't have work.
This morning was a doctor's appointment. I am still 214 lbs. Yay.Here I was expecting to gain about 2 more pounds. The resident confirmed that she's not dropped yet, but her heart beat is good. I had my first membrane sweep and I am 3cm dilated.
This morning was a doctor's appointment. I am still 214 lbs. Yay.Here I was expecting to gain about 2 more pounds. The resident confirmed that she's not dropped yet, but her heart beat is good. I had my first membrane sweep and I am 3cm dilated.
"If she doesn't come in the next 9 days, it should be very simple to get things started. It seems favourable."
My next doctors appointment was scheduled for this Thursday, but it was decided that was just too close together. So, my next one is now the 21st, the day after I should deliver.
Afterwards, I went to the library and picked up 2 books while waiting for my mom. We hopped a bus and went to see about filing for maternity EI. I figured if I went in person, I would actually talk to a person. Nope. It's basically still sitting at a computer. I could have done that at home with my mom helping me anyway. Now, onto the waiting period. Waiting for my letter to see if I get it/ the 2 week waiting period.
We left and went to the Dollarama so I could see if they had a smallish garbage can with a lid. No go. I hate how they used to have things and it gets switched around all the time. I was also looking for a mesh storage hanger thing to hold diapers (I have an old one holding diapers, and picked up a canvas tote. I still feel like there is no room for the inserts). Friday, is Jake's day off and apparently they are doing one last dump run, so I was thinking of sending him to Wal-Mart or CanTire to get something suitable. Next stop, Food Basics to see if they had any Aloe Juice. The food gods were with me, they had one lone bottle, and on sale. MINE! I also got Jake 4 Monsters for cheap.
We bussed back downtown and went out for a cheap lunch. We parted ways and I went to the other Food Basics downtown. I picked up icecream and cinnamon rolls. Yum yum!
Since I've been home, I've putter cleaned the livingroom, did some dishes, and "made" a coat rack. We had a spare piece of 2x4 and I had 6 hooks. I nailed a piece of camo fabric around the wood and hammered the nails in place. Voila: coat rack. I am watching Fringe on Netflix and am going to paint my belly cast white.
More adventures tomorrow!
Blurbs from the boyfriend:
"Have you put a plastic sheet or towel on the bed yet incase your water breaks?"
"Then, you're buying a whole new mattress. I don't care what you think..that stuff is NOT water"
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
38 Weeks (almost)
Tomorrow is 38 weeks, so I thought I would post now since I had a doctors appointment yesterday. Weight: 214lbs. Everything went well, except I was 2 days too soon for a membrane sweep. I have a feeling I will go over and not deliver on February 20th because it feels like nothing has happened yet. She's not even engaged yet. Maybe she's like me and stubborn (which I think because she doesn't kick when others want to feel her). Everything else seems good. She's measuring to term and her heart beat is good. The one thing I am worried about is she will actually be a he. I know I need to trust my gut that said she was a she (and the ultrasound), but it's hard.
On Sunday afternoon, Cezar, came over and helped me make a belly cast. I had to pick up some more plaster and re-enforce it yesterday in spots (since I had the day off). It needs to possibly be sanded and definately painted. I wish I had painting skills. I have no idea what I want to put on it. I saw some neat ideas on Pintrest. I really liked a zebra print one (she has so much zebra clothing) and there was one that was painted white and just had simple stenciled flowers on it. I want her name, date, weight, etc on it too, but nothing too flashy. I really disliked the casts that had everyone at the baby shower sign it or the information right in the centre.
Saturday, I went out with my dad and he got me belated baby/Christmas presents. I had no idea what I wanted for Christmas, so we just went clothes shopping. I managed to snag a $30 diaper bag for $16. Excellent.
When it comes to her movements, she's been mostly squirmy and hiccupy. Kicking, not so much due to lack of room. She's currently squirming as I write this...or it could be from my Dr. Pepper/yelling at the cats. I have found out she does not like loud noises (ie: if I drop dishes at work or Jake coughs/sneezes). There are random thumps and gurgles down below that I feel and have no idea what's going on. I just pretend she's belching like Barney Gumble. No more BHs, unless I no longer feel them and they happen at work when I'm up and running around. I feel some back contractions when I lay down and go to sleep, no matter what side I sleep on.
I have only 3 more days of work, Friday. Then I plan to focus on organizing the house and her room. The crib is built, and the clothes she will be wearing the most are put in the dresser. Her knit clothes are put in the 3 tiered plastic drawers and her 12-18mth clothes are all put away in a clear storage bag. Her diapers/inserts need to be washed and in a home of some sorts and I need to pick up a container from the Dollarrama to hold her wetbag. The TV in the bedroom needs to be moved and the crib needs to be placed in our room (Yea, I gotta measure that). Is it bad I was thinking of putting the TV in the nursery (swapping it out with the crib), so I will have something to do? Even if I can watch the TV in the livingroom as I nurse etc?? We'll see, since Jake needs to do another dump run at some point. (And as I type this, him and Aaron come through the door with 2 boxes of yarn for me and start to head to the basement to organize and pitch/ditch. I locked all 3 cats up, after fighting with Vodka. Apparently, he knows if a cat goes in the bedroom and the door gets closed, he has to run).
Tiffany put up pictures from the baby shower. I went through and picked some of my favourites from the baby shower, better than putting up all 80something.
And since I now have 2 boxes of yarn in my livingroom and a bolt of camo fabric, time to go snoopy...and here I was wondering where I would get $100 to buy the yarn from one of his coworkers. (And I've spent almost an hour writting this rambling).
baby shower,
belly cast,
braxton hicks,
cloth diapering,
mom to be,
third trimester,
Saturday, February 2, 2013
37 plus 3 days
This picture was 37 weeks, and this blog is 37+3.
One more week of work and the nursery/house is coming together. Jake and his friend did a dump run yesterday. The couch we've been using for plopping and dropping is gone. I got a rocking chair from my mom and I put it together. The crib is put together.The picture mirrors are near it and the mobile (sans batteries) is up. There is a desk in the room that is green and burgandy and has ducks all over it. It had stuff in the drawers, but they're now empty. I'm hoping we're keeping it as a "dresser" and I can get to paint it brown. Yes, brown! The crib is brown, the rocking chair is brown, and this way everything will match - and not look so ghetto poor. (She's a baby and wont notice, but I want her to still have nice things that are managable with our budget).
Thursday I was at work and my phone rang while I wasn't around. It was the doctors. They didn't leave a message. This always freaks me out. I called them back and it was just a mix up with my appointments. They thought it was that day, but it was on Monday. Then again on the following Monday. Thankfully, this Monday I don't have to go to work afterwards. The freaking out about being late was no fun at all. Plus, my boss will be there with 2 new girls training, and the other woman that works there. There would be five of us in a tiny, I get the day off. The boys will be doing another dump run apparently, so I will help organize and stuff.
In about 20 minutes, my dad is coming to get me and we will get my Christmas present from him. Clothes for K. Plus, I need to go pick up a gender neutral messenger bag for a diaper bag -something Jake can feel comfortable carrying around. I was going to look around and see about more "older" kid clothing. My coworkers baby is under a month old and is already out of 0-3mths clothing (and thats about all the onesies I have). Yes, every kid grows differently, but I don't want a naked baby in February.
One more week of work and the nursery/house is coming together. Jake and his friend did a dump run yesterday. The couch we've been using for plopping and dropping is gone. I got a rocking chair from my mom and I put it together. The crib is put together.The picture mirrors are near it and the mobile (sans batteries) is up. There is a desk in the room that is green and burgandy and has ducks all over it. It had stuff in the drawers, but they're now empty. I'm hoping we're keeping it as a "dresser" and I can get to paint it brown. Yes, brown! The crib is brown, the rocking chair is brown, and this way everything will match - and not look so ghetto poor. (She's a baby and wont notice, but I want her to still have nice things that are managable with our budget).
Thursday I was at work and my phone rang while I wasn't around. It was the doctors. They didn't leave a message. This always freaks me out. I called them back and it was just a mix up with my appointments. They thought it was that day, but it was on Monday. Then again on the following Monday. Thankfully, this Monday I don't have to go to work afterwards. The freaking out about being late was no fun at all. Plus, my boss will be there with 2 new girls training, and the other woman that works there. There would be five of us in a tiny, I get the day off. The boys will be doing another dump run apparently, so I will help organize and stuff.
In about 20 minutes, my dad is coming to get me and we will get my Christmas present from him. Clothes for K. Plus, I need to go pick up a gender neutral messenger bag for a diaper bag -something Jake can feel comfortable carrying around. I was going to look around and see about more "older" kid clothing. My coworkers baby is under a month old and is already out of 0-3mths clothing (and thats about all the onesies I have). Yes, every kid grows differently, but I don't want a naked baby in February.
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