Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Going for Walkies

     Yesterday, I attempted to cloth diaper Kaelynn. Fail. It was an attempt anyway. I was posting my attempts on Facebook, and some lovely friends helped me. I even went for coffee and Cris showed me how to use the Kawaii diapers (the majority of what I have). We then went for a walk up to Go Green Baby so she could pick up a super hero diaper for her child's Easter present. She then flaunted the pictures of my attempts. I am man enough to know when I need help. Today, she is all cloth to see how she likes it. So far, we've had a poosplosion, but no leaks- she just needed a bath.
     Today, she is wearing her cow print AMP diapers, after Cris told me how to use all the snaps on the front.
     After Go Green Baby, we went to the Dollar Store & huzzah! I walked away without buying anything. However, I did go into The Rocking Horse and found out that the toy store had Piggy Paint. I picked up a light pink, so it would be less noticable. I did her toes today & you cant even tell she has polish on *sad*. My dad then got me and we went to Canadian Tire for ant killing stuff (stupid bugs in my bathroom) and then Play & Learn so I could see if they had a specific Easter present for a friend of mine's daughter. They did! Huzzah! We went to the Tim Hortons by Jake's work and I told him to come over & we could give him a ride home.

     Easter is this weekend and I wanted to get Kaelynn something for Easter, but then I remembered she is a baby and wouldn't even notice -her nailpolish can count as her present. I did however make her a tutu to wear to Easter dinner in Harrowsmith with Jake's family.
     This afternoon we went on another adventure so she could meet her in utero friend Finn. We went for a walk to the dog park to meet up with my old co-worker and her son (about a month ahead of Kaelynn). We sat talking (in some hail) while her dog ran around like a psycho. Due to it being coldish outside, we walked to Tim Hortons and took the babes out of their stroller seats. It was time to say good bye just in time for the bus to take us home. I was going to ride the bus the whole way home, but instead got off downtown and decided to walk. When I was less than a block away from my house, I saw the bus pass me. I would have been no farther ahead & this way I got some extra exercise. C'mon baby weight, I need you off me...even if now it's just Annie weight (since I am thr same size/shape pre pregnancy, but it would be nice to be skinny for once).

Monday, March 25, 2013


     This Monday, she didn't have a weigh in, so we went to Mother's Circle. It was alright.Perhaps I need to be more interactive. It's hard for me to make friends. I would rather be a wall flower, but even wall flowers get lonely.
     After we were supposed to meet up with my friend and her 2 month old, only she forgot she had a dog play date. So, I did my errands downtown alone, and picked up a BIG MAC for lunch (super healthy, but I did walk downtown). I was going to walk home too, but I picked up diapers on sale at Shoppers (incase the cloth don't fit Kaelynn still & she poopsplodes A LOT), and I got a few too many "groceries" at Food Basics.
    I think she hates Mondays. She was up lastnight until about 530am then awake again around 730. At Mother's Circle, she was as calm as could be, now is crying again. Weirdo. Needless to say, I am tired & my legs hurt. Baby & I are just going to relax & watch SCRUBS while the potatoes cool for dinner.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


     Yesterday I babysat a friends 3 year old boy. It was an adventure, specifically when little one didn't want to be out down. Thankfully, apart from me telling him not to touch things or chase the cats, he was able to keep himself amused. However, how he did it I was not impressed, but it's what he does all the time. He was playing with my vacuum attachments & pretending they were weapons. It was an ok day until his mom came, then he started to act out more.
After that, I came to some realizations.
           1-I have lots of respect for parents of toddlers/children/babies all at once
           2-I have a very child friendly house, in a bad sense
           3-I do NOT want a boy child ( in truth I never did)

     When I am watching tv/movies that have pregnant women, I miss certain aspects of pregnancy. I miss feeling her kick and turn, hearing her heartbeat, and seeing her grow in ultrasounds. Yet, those are the same things she can do in person- she's currently on me rolling in her sleep with my free hand on her chest. I can see she is growing because her 0-3mth clothing is fitting better. It's weird.
I also feel conflicting emotions already. I am fine with having one baby (financially and emotionally) and don't want to risk getting a boy), but I also love the closeness I have with my little brother (28 months apart).


Monday, March 18, 2013

No more weekly weigh ins

     Kaelynn had her weekly weigh in today and is up. She is 3.43 KG, which is almost 7.6LBS (according to my converter). They didn't say anything about her coming back next Monday and that her weight is on a good incline! I didn't even supplement at all last week to see what the difference would be. I suppose I still can to help boost her, but even now she's getting enough. She's alert, active, eats fine, enough diapers (however today has seriously been poosplosion day), I think she's more than fine. She is currently hiccuping her little heart out on my lap, while I soak my super rough feet.
     The one thing that stood out from her appointment was the thing on her neck. The doctor didn't think it was a swollen lymph node, but was unsure. It could be a cluster of salvatory cells that din't form or something else. They are scheduling her for an ultrasound and will see where to go from there. Once again, she is eating, alert, etc, so they're not too concerned -just have to keep an eye on it. Yes, I am worried, but she still seems like a normal, healthy baby girl.
     Afterwards, we met up with mom for lunch & the Dollarstore. I picked up Easter cards to go out. They will be late, but people will know I was thinking about them.There was just enough time to go to Mother's Circle & meet up with Cris ((shameless blog plug for her)) (and other moms I don't know). I am going back next Monday so I can see whar it is fully about, I was there 30 mins before the end. When it was all done, Cris and I went to Starbucks with another mom and just sat drinking and chatting. Their babies were out of their strollers, but they're also older than mine by a bit. Kaelynn just stayed asleep.
     Jake is almost home from work & has tomorrow off. I am debating on what I would like to do. Re-make her some baby leg warmers (the others were much too small), fix the baby sling I was making for Jake (too short), or bring out stuff to start on my belly cast (at least that can't be too small or short). I just know I have to file my feet & lotion up all my abnomally dryskin spots.

Blurbs from the Boyfriend
"Remember the deal? She could come home if you cleaned up all the gross messes"
(Uh...she's not a puppy)

Friday, March 15, 2013

March 14, 2013

     March 14th is Jake/Daddy's birthday. It also happens to be the day Kaelynn turned one month old. Good job on keeping her alive & happy!
     We woke up & made a birthda cake & banana pancakes for breakfast. We then left Jake alone to play xbox for a few hours while I went out with my dad.
     Back home with food in our bellies, things from errands & take-out burgers for Jake's lunch. He goes out for coffee with his friends & comes back to drink it.
     Reunited & it feels so good. A friend of ours that moved to the UK for work has moved back. We hung out for a few hours. My Tim Horton's cup was even double Roll Up The Rimmed (I won nothing).
     It seemed like a total un-eventful birthday, the kind he likes. We had lasagna for dinner and watched Netflix.

     Today we did laundry,dishes (ie, I did them while Kaelynn napped) and cleaned out the Tax drawer. I threw out about 1/2 a bag of random papers. I didn't find what I was looking for,but found something I hope helps. Next Thursday I am getting my taxes done. Here's hoping its good news.

    When it comes to feeding/bath time/anything else except sleep, I let her call the shots. Eat until you spit out the nipple (unless it's been less than 10mins), bath time until she starts screaming (thankfully, shes liking baths now), tummy time until screaming or she falls asleep. Now, sleeping...yes she will be wide awake & alert, but when she's asleep, I make sure to try to keep her asleep at night. She's still not liking to sleep on her back, but can sleep with mommy or daddy. If I go to bed & hold her, even if she's alert & I sleep, she is quiet and unfussy, eventually, sleeping.
     We just had emercency bath time, she ate, and now its tummy time & I am going to see if we have icecream to go with a piece of bday cake! (this is why Im fat)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Weight gain

     We just got back from her weekly doctors appointment. She's up. She is now 3.31kg or 7.3lbs. She's almost big enough for her cloth diapers. I tried them on her & they're WAY too huge. I also have a feeling that she knows when she has a doctors appointment because the night before she is fussier than normal. We basically just made it to the appointment because I dozed off. It didn't really matter. We were seen at 1030 and the appointment was for 10.
     We saw the lactation counsellor and she asked me about my supplementing. In her paperwork she gave me she said I could do 15-20ml of breast milk or formula at each feeding through the Supplemented Nursing System (feeding tube). I chose to do breast milk instead of formula. Today she commented that she didn't consider breastmilk to be supplementing, just a top up - "but if it works for you, like it has been.". She also asked about the pumping. "Do you feed and then supplement and then pump?". From my understanding, since she gave me an SNS, I was supposed to feed and use the SNS and then pump - which I have been doing. I put what I pump in the fridge to use at the next feeding. I've also been letting her sit on the boob for however long she wants. She's eating, peeing and pooping about every hour, so thats good. And she's no longer jaundice.
     She also has a swollen lymph node on the one side of her neck. *sad* It's going to be looked at on Monday. Basically, we have to keep an eye on it. It could be allergies, hormones, or like if a bug bit her.
     Having a baby is hard.
     Saturday morning was lovely. I had just fed her and she got the hiccups. Nothing unusual there. I was looking at her and she then proceeded to puke right in my face. Gross. I was in shock, so I just wiped it off and sat her upright. Then, like a puke fountain, it just spewed from her, onto the blanket I put under her. Not too bad. She's almost a month old and this is her first real puking (she's had some spit up before). I'm now scared whenever she gets hiccups -after almost every feed. I picked up gripe water and Ovol for her. I have no idea what I am doing as a mom.
     She's currently in her vibrating bouncy chair, if I turn it off she SCREAMS. I'm going to make lunch and possibly work on her leg warmers. She's getting solid pink ones.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Little Miss

                                                  Me at 4 months                                         Kaelynn at a week

     I don't think she likes to go to the doctor's. She was up most of the night being alert and fussy. Plus, about every hour she would dirty her diaper, almost clock work. We spent the night in the chair watching Big Brother Canada. Everytime I thought I could put her to bed, she would be up again in about 20 minutes. Jake got a new position at work, and a new starting time - 7am, so I've been trying my best to let him sleep.

     She is still underweight, she is 6.9lbs.She still needs to be supplemented, now every other feed. I also picked up some Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle, since the doctor said they can go together. They said her jaundice is looking good. The rash in her groin/underarm rolls is looking good too. Yes, she's tiny, but she is strong (at least I think so, not like I have much new born experience).

     I wish it would start to warm up, so we can go for walks without me having to worry about her still freezing. Plus, I think it would help me lose weight. I am not yet at my pre-preg weight and closer to 200lbs.
     To get to the doctor's today, we took the bus. I was hoping there would be no wheel chairs, old people, or other baby carriages. Well, there were old people. The bus slowed down near one stop, and some old woman was like "oh..I hope they're not letting on another stroller". Meanwhile, this woman got off at the next stop anyway.

     Time to wake the babe up for a feed and tire her out to get her to sleep later!

Friday, March 1, 2013

I don't know how it's done

     Sure, she looks all cute and cuddly now, but you should have seen her lastnight.
Jake went to his Thursday paintball meeting lastnight and Kaelynn was fine and in bed. However, throughout the night when it came time to feed her, she got fussy. I had her in bed with me and she was fine, ie: less fussy. Around 3am, when daddy came home, nothing could soothe her. We went to the chair and watched tv/slept/fed. This morning it was a bit more of the same. I took advantage of her crying fit to give her a bath, she would cry anyway. It seemed like she wanted to feed every hour. I let her. The pamphlet from the lactation coach said it was ok for short snacks, 10mins, so I did that.
I have taken 2 of the 3 pills so far of Domperidone. We'll see if that helps increase my milk. At least giving her the Supplemental Nursing System (feeding tube) is getting better.

     I have no idea how people who have twins or even babies close in age do it. My younger brother and I are 18 months apart, and that seems close. Mom had to deal with 2 toddlers and a new born. Crazy. I would have gone crazy. I feel like I am going crazy now.
     I felt fine after the pregnancy, but now I just feel like crying randomly. It's even worse when shse doesn't want to be fed, diaper doesn't need to be changed, she won't burp, and holding her doesn't help.

     She's asleep and needs a feeding soon. I am going to go prep her SNS with the 1.5oz I pumped earlier and brown some beef cubes for stew